How to Estimate the Cost of High-Quality Fireplace Doors?

When it comes to the real aesthetic of any home, your fireplace is the real winner. The cozy atmosphere that it establishes and the comfort it provides is unparalleled against every other alternative to your home.


However, just as much aesthetic as it provides, a fireplace needs a door to make sure it is safe for you and those around you too. A fireplace door ensures that no sparks fly out of the fireplace and damage your carpets or risk catching fire.

Glass Fireplace Doors- A Reliable Option

You may choose from different types of doors, from nickel to brass to copper. The fact of the matter is that nothing beats glass fireplace doors when it comes to the aesthetics of your house.

Apart from the aesthetics of your house, other reasons are worth considering when buying a fireplace door—for instance, the efficiency. A glass fireplace door allows for convenient closing options and ensures that there is minimal backdraft. It means that you need less fire to heat your room.

However, you need to consider the cost of a glass fireplace door before opting for one. There are various factors, such as door type, size, and design that affect the cost of a fireplace door.

Let us learn about them.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Fireplace Doors

Many people stay away from glass fireplace doors because they believe glass cannot withstand the heat (an argument that seems outdated). A few people avoid glass doors because they just do not understand how the costing works.

Well, we are here to help.

On an average, repair of fireplace glass doors may cost between the ranges of $550 to $650. The type of glass you choose and how you want it to be installed also has significant sway over the costs. Of course, that is an inherent cost.

Below are a few major factors that affect the real cost of fireplace doors:

Type of Glass: Laminated vs. Tempered

Several different types of glass exist for several different purposes. While it may be difficult for some to understand the difference, the most common analogy used to explain the difference between the two is to understand how they break.

The regular glass just simply breaks into long shards and splinters. In comparison, tempered glass completely shatters (when it breaks). On the other hand, laminated glass just tends to crack. It does not entirely break free owing to the plastic vinyl interlayer.

Laminated glass is most commonly seen in car windscreens, while tempered glass is seen in several applications around the house. This includes shower glass, elevator glass, and so on.

When considering costs, the laminated glass comes costly than tempered glass but is also heavier and bulkier to move. Tempered glass works just as good though it loses its heat quickly. Tempered glass is used more often than not.

Frame Material: Steel vs. Aluminum

In considering how great your fireplace looks, the door is not the only consideration. The type of frame that you use significantly affects the look of your fireplace too. While the traditional fireplaces had stone or brick finishes, most modern homes carry either steel or aluminum as the preferred frame.

Steel is one of the most versatile when it comes to fireplace frames. Not only does it fit in most house interiors, but it also provides a great modern aesthetic to conventional homes. It is most known for the “industrial” feel that it carries. Steel also has several varieties, and stamped steel is generally the cheapest at around $600. Better ranges of steel can cost about $1500.

When it comes to aluminum, though, you never have to worry about it rusting or tarnishing. But the most significant advantage of using aluminum over any other type of material for your fireplace frame is that it costs way less. So, when it comes to the real cost of Fireplace doors, aluminum could bring it down. But still, they are one of the better materials and cost about $800

Size and Design of Fireplace Door

Fireplace opening has several standard sizes in inches: 14 × 28, 40 × 48, 16 × 30, 48 × 60, 20 × 26 and 48 × 72. Since these are standard sizes, it is rather easy to find ready-made glass doors in these sizes for your fireplace.

However, you do not have to worry even if you want to get a custom fireplace door designed. You can find it easily, but of course, the real cost of fireplace doors that are custom designed is higher than those that are already available in the market.

Moreover, it should be rather apparent that as much designing you add to your fireplace doors, the more cost you will have to bear. You can mostly go anyway with the design for your fireplace door from double doors to borders and whatnot.

Installation Cost

Installation costs are, again, an essential factor in deciding the real cost of Fireplace doors. Generally, the costs are already added to the quote that you receive from your service provider. In reality, the costs are approximate.

Generally, the fireplace's glass door installation cost can range from about $1900-$5600 for gas, masonry, and wood-burning doors; electric ones can cost about $100 to $2200. However, depending upon your specific cases and fireplace sizes, the installation costs can also vary further.

The Real Cost of Fireplace Door: The Difficult Task

With all the factors mentioned above in mind, any decision to take about glass fireplace doors becomes more comfortable than it already is. However, the difficulty is to consider all of these in tandem to come up with a uniform price of the glass door that you would install.

Moreover, other important factors, specified to your needs, may also come into play and affect the real cost of fireplace doors. Either way, you should not shy away from installing a great glass fireplace door since it carries significant advantages over other forms.

Abigail Jones

Hi, I'm Abigail. I like spending time tearing my house apart and putting it together back again. Join me on home improvement tutorials, tips on my blog.

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